free guide: 7 steps to creating more balance in your life

You are the designer, creator and writer of your life's story. At any moment, you get to choose what you do next. It's up to you. If you want something, go after it. If something's not working for you, take action to change it. And because I've been there, I get that it's easier said than done! That's why I'm here to support you. You've got this!

let me be your permission slip to creating your life by design.

I want you to know that it is possible to live the life you dream about. 

Hey! It's so nice to meet you.

Vietnam, twice!

fave destination travelled:

Say YES & work out how later.

fave quote:


fave way to move:

How are you, really? by Jenna Kutcher.

fave non-fiction:

My decision to come off autopilot & take the lead in my own life was also a decision to invest in myself. I decided I was worth it. My vision was worth exploring, my wellbeing was worth prioritising, my passions & strengths were worth leaning into. I didn't do it alone & you don't have to either.

i struggled to get out bed in the morning. i had no zest for life. until i decided no more.

I used to be stuck, frustrated & unfulfilled

wild fact about me:

I've had major spinal surgery.

When I left a full-time job & moved cities in 2022, I began on a journey of creating my Life By Design. This involved designing my career(s) to suit the lifestyle I wanted, aligning my strengths & passions to my work & prioritising wellbeing. The result? I experience alignment personally & professionally, I'm in my sweet spot & fulfilling my needs. Keep reading below to find out what my Life By Design looks like these days...

i know myself well, so i have designed my life to suit me.

I thrive with variety and connection in my life. I'm both introverted & extroverted.

Take my own life and careers as an example...

Wellbeing, experiences, connection, nature, mentoring.

my personal brand values:

Putting self-first, choices, life & career alignment.

3 things i help people with:

Variety & Connection

my top 2 drivers:

I understand deeply the importance of knowing oneself & leveraging that knowledge to create career/s to suit you & a lifestyle that you love. For me this looks like a variety of roles, each contributing to my fulfilment in different ways. I'll explain more below!

diversity - fun - growth - wellbeing - connection - choices

So what does my own Life By Design actually look like?

extended disc profile:

I/S (means I'm both extroverted & introverted!)

what's most important to me:

Family & close relationships

I don't expect my Life By Design to suit you. For you it might be one full-time gig that suits you best. Or several income streams + volunteering. Maybe it's another combo! There's no one-size-fits-all, that's why understanding what drives YOU is so crucial to your going wellbeing, fulfilment & happiness! Want to know what my week looks like? Keep reading...

your life by design will look and feel different to mine!

Nope, my boundaries are solid & my careers are by design. They fulfil ME. 

Isn't it exhausting, wearing so many hats?

Holiday vehicle rental - my husband & I rent out Ranger Bilby, our custom camper.

our side hustle

Life Design Coach @ Balance HQ - my own coaching & mentoring biz.

business owner

For small biz, large corporates & government.

freelance coach & mentor

I don't think what we DO defines us, but it is a common question & I believe it's helpful to know how to answer it. Whether it's among friends or networking, owning what you do and being able to link it to your WHY feels amazing & incredibly freeing. And when it feels good, it radiates from you & others feel it too! So here's what I do >>>

ah, the question so many of us ask each other.

OK so what do you do, Chrystal?


Youth Career Mentor.

employee positions

Trail Guide & Senior Public Health Officer.

in no particular order...

Dog mum

- Over 10 years combined experience in leadership, coaching & mentoring
- Credentialed Practitioner of Life Coaching (International Coaching Institute)
- Accredited Practitioner of Extended DISC Behavioural Profiling
- Meta Dynamics Life Coach
- Qualifications in health and exercise sciences, health promotion and leadership and management
- Over 8 years working in local governments (regional and metro areas)

So if you're wondering about my credentials (which you should be!) then here they are for you:

Don't get me wrong, credentials are important, that's why I have them. The icing on the cake? Life experience.

Build a life, not a resume







Balance HQ

Holistic, wellbeing-first services that help people experience alignment in wellbeing & career.

chrystal billing